Hi John Lawton.....
Wow, that is nice test gear. It will be very nice of you to test
our antenna's. I used Bob Kuckols SWR meter he "rents" out. I use the
Europa vertical dipole in the fin.. Accordingly I got a fairly nice swr
of 1.2 to 1.4 (if memory seves me well) and the usual dip which I trimmed
for the best swr around 126 mhz. So, I guess we'll bring our screw
drivers to get in and check it out.
Just ran a route on my gps and found it to be about 495 nm to
your place. We will have one refueling stop on the way in Ga.
Depending on winds we will try to do approx. 120K ground speed. Depends
on each of our fuel consumption. It will be nice to compare the three of
us. One mono, one tri gear and one conventional gear. I hope the WX
will cooperate for the flight.
I assume there are accomodations close by. What are the times
for the get together?? Details, details, details....... Fuel: mogas?
or avgas? Should we refuel at the Co. airport just south of you?j
Jim Nelson