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Re: Europa-List: Ventilation of shop area

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Ventilation of shop area
From: James Nelson <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 20:07:48

        Its the fun of living in the wide open spaces of the USA and
Canada.   Lots of room and it doesn't cost and arm and a leg.  Not living
upon your neighbor has its advantages.  When I can look into my neighbors
home and see what he's doing I'm to damn close.   Ready to retire (4
years) and move to Tenn. where I have 7+ acres of woods and open areas. 
Room to wander in PEACE and QUIET.  No sirens, no big diesel trucks, or
busses running down the street. No friggin motorcycles with out a
muffler.   Just an occasional pickup pulling a trailer with hay on it. 
10 miles to town on nice paved blacktop roads.   Grass strip thats
private about a mile away.  Hope to get to be good friends with him soon.
    BTW the garage is 30' x 30' more than half the size of the house.  
        Its something I never thought I'd get to, but life has many
twists.  Some nice and some not so nice.  Take it as it comes, make lemon
aid from a lemon as my grandmother use to say.  
        Sun-N-Fun is just a few weeks away so I guess I'll go for a day
or two.   Getting to expensive for more than that.   Flying my Europa is
great fun, its a great aircraft. Well worth the wait of building.

Jim Nelson

> <>
> Ok so I am jealous Ferg. What really intrigues me though is I am 
> wondering
> just how big your master bedroom must be seeing as your 'spare 
> bedroom' has
> a bigger floor area than the ground floor of my little old UK home.
> Dave Watts G-BXDY
> > Fergus Kyle wrote
> > My project is in a spare bedroom.
> > This room is 23x23 and accomodates the assembled Europa Classic 
> with
> > 4 inches to spare either wingtip, so planning is called for
> ==============================

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