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Europa-List: Condor Tyres/4 or 6 ply/30 or 50 psi?????

Subject: Europa-List: Condor Tyres/4 or 6 ply/30 or 50 psi?????
From: Tony Renshaw <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 21:09:57

For a conventional taildragger I can easily get Michelin Condors delivered
to my house within a few days. Any of the other tyres may take a while, and
I am keen to get a set sooner rather than later. Any impressions on rubber
for conventionals/tri mains?
Also, I reckon 4 ply with a lower psi of only 30 vs 6 ply and 50, with a
specific wheel load of 800lbs per wheel vs 1285, is the better option, if
for no other reason than it is easier to get 30 psi out of a foot/hand
pump. So, does anyone reckon 30psi/800 lb wheel loads is inadaquate. 
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia

Classic 236  B.B. Taildragger (possibly convertible)
Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
Lower Fuse in Jig, Tail Torque Tube installed
Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
Intended Engine: 912S CS prop (model undecided)
Instrumentation: Undecided

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