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Re: Europa-List: eyeball vents

Subject: Re: Europa-List: eyeball vents
From: James Nelson <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2004 19:18:08

Hi Paul,
        I believe one is plastic and the other is aluminum.  Bought them
both and never installed the plastic ones.  I used the Van's NACA ramp to
feed the 1" eye ball and it provides lots of air.


> <>
> Anyone know what the difference is between the eyeball vents sold by 
> aircraft spruce? They have two aliminium swivel vents one at $55.50 
> (pn 
> 05-00779) and the other at $172.95! (pn 13-03600). Unfortunately 
> there 
> is only a picture of  the cheaper one on their web site.
> Regards
> Paul Stewart  G-GIDY

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