> At last the cloud broke, the test pilot was available, and ZU-
> CTG took to the South African skies at 9 am yesterday - she is a TriGear
with the Airmaster / 914 combination and in the words of the test pilot -
Anthony McHale - " she flies like a dream" - 20 minutes test flight produced
nothing but praise for the europa from our 3000 hour test pilot and 1 hour
later I was in the left seat, passed the conversion test and off on my first
of 25 hours proving flight. What a dream come true - nothing said previously
can prepare you for the ultimate thrill and pride in your airplane as you
take off in your creation for the first time - I will post all the data soon
as I can scrape myself off cloud 9
Congratulations on a job well done,
It gives us poor souls still building, somththing to strive for,
Ivor Phillips