Quoting RD Aviation catalogue and price list 2000/01:
Mini ASI by 'Winter GmbH' 57mm dial, length 75mm, weight 220gms
20 to 200kts 1 1/2 turns 7443 #215.00
This is the ASI recommended by Europa for its low airspeed resolution
but with the small dial (no 1 kt divisions between the 5 kt divisions).
Not cheap though.
Jan de Jong
#461, blue bits still
Paul Stewart wrote:
> Our primary instruments are beinb provided by the BMA EFIS 1, but need a
> back up alti, compass and ASI. Anyone recommend a suitable ASI - the
> smaller instruments I've seen seem to have a fairly poor low speed
> range. Idealy looking for something smaller than a 3 1/8 instrument.
> Regards
> Paul G-GIDY