----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Stewart" <europa@pstewart.f2s.com>
Subject: Europa-List: ammeters
| All
| Trying to sort out an ammeter with a firewall shunt as suggested by Aero
| electric connection and indeed others on this forum. However the ammeter
| I ordered from ACS thinking it was what I required arrived saying -'No
| external shunt required' . Indeed when I spoke to ACS they appeared not
| to know what I was on about and could not supply a suitable
| instrument. Given that a suitable insrtument seems to be so rare am I
| barking up the wrong tree. Indeed should I not worry about bringing the
| battery feed to the bus via a panel mounted ammeter? Thoughts anyone.
| Regards Paul G-GIDY
I hesitate to repeat this, but old hams do this all the time.
Often homebuilt power supplies have many different parameters to meet and
the need for this prompts one to build to spec.
In the case of modern transceivers AND Europas, there seems to
be a settling on a nominal 12Vdc - so there is commonality. I think a local
ham club would provide an old geezer who might take an interest and shunt
your gauge [or whatever replaces it] out of shear curiosity. In fact, it's
not a bad idea to capitalise on the uncommon build-your-own-aircraft and
intrigue a local ham into being a consultant. I have shunted off some jobs
to chaps who are curious and helpful.
I get a new friend.
They get a new interest.
Cheers, Ferg
PS If your are intent but cannot find a local club, let me know and will
search out a source in your area.