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Re: Europa-List: 914 Static run up

Subject: Re: Europa-List: 914 Static run up
From: Jim Brown <>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 08:58:56

I seem to remember that during my setup I had the same problem. You may have to
much pitch in the prop in  the fine pitch position. .Look in the Airmaster 
instructions. There is a section on setting the Fine pitch and also
the Coarse pitch.

Make a small change then run the engine up again to check the results.

I would set the RPM at 5700 static rpm. Then on the take off run the prop will
unload some due to the forward movement through the air. This way you will not
exceed 5800 rpm on the take off run.

With you developing 34 inches at 5100 , the turbo is working as it is supposed
to. Once you reach 5800 you should see 39 or 40 inches. I think that once the
rpm is set correctly that you will see and hear when the turbo goes to full 


Paul McAllister wrote:

> Hi all,
> I did a static run up of my 914 today.  I had it tied off to the tow hitch on
my car with the tail weighted down with an 80 pound bag of salt.  Apart from
white knuckles and a bit of vibration it was a non event.
> My 914 is not developing full power.  With the prop set manually to fine pitch
the engine would only develop 5100 rpm and 34 inches of manifold pressure. 
I would have expected 5500~5800 RPM.  I have checked the throttle and it is 
to full open.  The tach is an EIS engine monitor and I have no reason to
suspect it is incorrect
> I need a few data points.  Could some one tell me what is the maximum RPM I 
> could
expect with an Airmaster set manually to fine pitch.
> Secondly, I cannot get the engine into boost.  My first thought is that the 
> waste
gate might not be set correctly.  I removed the cable from the servo and
it might not be in the correct position.  Can anyone tell me how to set it 
Conversely, .... 34" is 100% power, could the TCU be limiting it? if
so what parameters can do this.  I only one I know is the air box temperature.
> Thanks,  Paul

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