Hi Simon,
Depends if you are using the normal collet or the mini drill chuck (three
jaw grip).
The normal collet gives you about 6.3cm. If you are using the drill chuck
it is about 7cm.
Brian Davies kit 454
----- Original Message -----
From: "Simon Smith" <jodel@nildram.co.uk>
Subject: Europa-List: Dremel right angle attachment.
> Hi,
> If anyone has one of these could you do me a favour and tell me the
> measurement from the front of the collet to the back of the head? I have a
> tight space that I need to get into and I need to know that it will fit
> before I order one.
> thanks
> Simon Smith
> G-BZTN Kit 504 914XS tri 80% done, 95% left to do ;)