Paint booth:Problem negotiated. The Fire Chief did not agree with the actions of
the inspector. I won't be using it, but won't be cited. Airport will reimburse
plastic lost. Only 3 hours of talking settled the situation.
914 hot starting: I have found that the 914 engine is very hard to start when
Hot. I assumed it has been hot fuel, so I have used the technique of starting
with the fuel pump off (no mechanical one on the 914). What seems to happen is
as soon as I switch on the pump, the engine immediately dies. I can run it for
20 seconds and it still dies. What I am trying now is to run the engine with
the fuel pumps off before shutdown, letting the floats burn down ( sorry fire
department, I didn't mean burn literally - please don't cite me!) then run fuel
pump for a while before starting - circulating cool fuel up as far as the
pressure regulator and possibly into the partially empty floats. Then I start
with the fuel pump off and when I switch it on - that is done at higher RPM -
maybe 3500 or so. So far it seems to have worked.
Wish I knew why switching on the fuel pump has such an immediate effect on the
engine - must be injecting vapor rather than fuel??
Mini U2
178 hours TT
Working on cowl flap, landing lights and cabin heater....