While at Sun and Fun last week one item that I wanted to investigate were the
three in one wing tip lights. I spent some time with the rep from Whelin.
Naturally my first question was why their system was over $300 more than the
aero flash units?
He pointed out some differences between the two.
One item was the strobe tube. Whelin's tube is a pig tail and the Aero unit
is a horseshoe shape. The rep said that this design allowed for more flash
area in the unit.
He also stated that his unit was defiantly brighter and can be seen further.
Which is why we install the devises in the first place. In fact the Aero Flash
units "may not meet FAA requirements for light intensity." I question that...
In addition we spoke of where to install the box. I mentioned that many have
chosen to install in the wing in hopes of eliminating flash noise on the Com.
He said that so long that the Whelin unit was directly grounded to battery,
and shielded wiring was used it should not be a problem for cockpit
installation. Additionaly he noted that the wire shielding could have a lug
grounded to the mounting screws on the box for enhanced protection.
All this being said I'm still looking for feed back from fellow builders.
Opinions please!
Brian S
A276 Tri Gear. Texas