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Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build

Subject: Re: Europa-List: to build or not to build
From: Jos Okhuijsen <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 19:06:09

Hi Tom,

A fellow builder, 4 years in the project, answered the question like this:

If you want to fly, don't start with such a project, rent or buy a plane. 
If you like to build, go for it.

Today, while i am 5 month's building most of the remaining spare time, i 
agree with that.
I like the building as it goes, and it is not really for the future flying 
fun. That is still so far away, that it hardly counts as a bonus. A bonus 
is the ashtonishment of other people :-)

Building as an enonomical solution, in other words turn your hours into a 
plane that you otherwise not could affort, is not the right solution 
either. I guess by putting more hours or effort in anything related to 
your speciality, job you could get there with less effort.

My 10 cnts,


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