Congratulations Tim and family. At the same time I can announce the first
flight of Dirk Oyen's XS monowheel #382 with Airmaster CS and Rotax 912ULS,
empty weight: 843 lbs, nearly six years of building and renovating a house
meanwhile. The maidenflight took place on june 11th in Hasselt EBZH Belgium
where OO-145 performed as Tim already described.
Well done men! (Paul included)
Karel Vranken # 447 F-PKRL joining you lucky guys very soon I hope.
>From: "Tim Ward" <>
>To: <>, "Neville Eyre" <>,
><>, "Jane Stillwell" <>, "Ian
>Bentham" <>, "Greg&Tonia Clarke"
><>, "Andy Draper" <>
>Subject: Europa-List: First Flight for ZK-TIM Monowheel Classic
>Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 15:58:56 +1200
>Well, after 7 years 1 month, with an extended high pressure system
>enveloped the Canterbury Plains my wife asked me if this is THE day.
> I said "I suppose so, no excuses now".
>ZK-TIM had done 2.5 hours of ground running, taxy tests (Low speed and High
>ish speeds) and all looked good. A few minor problems that would have to go
>on the MEL (Minimum Equipment List..airline jargon) but quite within the
>DDPG (airline jargon) otherwise after 5 hours on flying other Europas I was
>With the family standing outside the Wigram hangar I completed the run-up
>and now 'let the truth be told'.
>The Rotax 912S with Airmaster Prop (empty weight 841 lbs) was very eager to
>show me what it can do, and it didn't let me down. A very rapid
>acceleration occurred, the forward pressure on the stick to raise the tail
>was soon calling and what an impressive performance. Climbed away at 65kts
>and the undercarriage came up with ease. Climb selected on the Airmaster
>Prop I had to bring the MP back quickly to stop busting altitudes! and
>gaining too much speed. Took it around the circuit, with a glide approach
>always available, to try out the controls and they were very responsive. A
>little port aileron down needed to stop roll (may be my weight) otherwise
>rudder balance good and elevator very effective.
>Did an approach and overshoot to 200ft to try out the gear extension/
>retraction again (and wave to the family) and then climbed to 3000ft out of
>the circuit to try one clean stall recovering at the buffet and that was
>sweet. Tried it with gear/flap down only to the initial buffet and that was
>sweet. Very mild, no wing drop and easy recovery.
>Oil temperatures and pressures were all good, within the Rotax parameters.
>This was a relief as I have the Classic cowlings and for the Rotax 912S I
>changed the position of the Oil Cooler to underneath the spinner within the
>same lines as the lower cowling. Airmaster Propeller worked very well as
>Then returned for a landing on the grass approaching 65 kts and brought it
>back to 60kts and it quietly settled on the grass.
>Many thanks to all you guys for tremendous help and friendship during the
>building. Also to Andy and Neville and John for their wisdom and advice;
>Europa and Ivan for such a 'classy' aircraft, and my wife, Adrienne, whom I
>married at the beginning of the build, produced 3 children during the
>build, and we are still together at the end of the build!!!
>A special thanks to Gavin Lee, Russell Lister, Pat Scotter Ron Smith and
>Tony K. of NZ, who have always been so accommodating with their expertise.
>Keep building, as that 'Europa smile' when I returned back, captured by the
>family , is well worth waiting for.
>Tim Ward
>12 Waiwetu Street,
>Christchurch, 8005
>New Zealand.
>Ph 0064 3 3515166
Wie wint Wimbledon? Durf je te wedden?