>I still have the
>FL23 spacer, and I am not sure where that goes
Andrew - you need my part number to manual page cross-reference*!
FL23 goes on the AN525-10R16 bolt which passes through the bottom end
of FL16. In my printed monowheel manual, that is shown on page 28-16.
However, in the PDF version of the manual, pages 28-16 and 28-17 have
been swapped.
You might think you could search the PDF for the part number, but
FL23, like many others, is only called out in hand-written text on
drawing pages (ie, embedded in a graphic), and so cannot be located
by a text searches.
* [ADV: on the Europa Club CD-ROM]
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| Europa 435 G-ROWI (710 hours building) PFA #16532
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