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RE: Europa-List: Seats

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Seats
From: Kingsley Hurst <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 09:06:12

Joe Proctor wrote:-
> Having just brought my kit home and living very close to OregonAero I
> . . . . . . . Can anyone tell me if I need to take anything else out
to them 
> to help make it more functional model.


In addition to the comments already made by Jeff (Rocketman) and Ferg
Kyle, for Monos especially, the height of the seat is important.
Therefore, Oregon Aero might like to take into consideration the need to
be able to adjust the height for people of different statures.
Consequently, it may be worth while suggesting to David Esterline
(Oregon Aero) that he checks this aspect out when he goes to Oshkosh
next month.

Thank you for making your module available.

Kingsley Hurst
Mono Classic 281 in Oz.

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