Dear All,
Just thought I'd air my suspicions that all may not be well in the Europa
organisation. I ordered my accelerated XS Tri-gear kit over a year ago and
have yet to receive any of it. I'm assured it is with them. My increasingly
frustrated calls to Europa have been answered very understandingly by the
staff - John and Sharon, but I do not seem to be able to get any joy out of
the two people who are supposedly dealing with the delivery - namely Ray
Bedford and Keith Wilson depite repeated assurances that they would contact
me. When I rang again today, the vibes I got over the phone were that there
are significant frustrations/problems within the organisation, but that it
was in the process of being sorted out. I have to say I'm a bit concerned.
Has anyone else had such problems with delivery times? Is this the norm for
accelerated kits and I'm just being impatient?
Nigel Harrison
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