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Re: Europa-List: microair 760 query,

Subject: Re: Europa-List: microair 760 query,
From: Richard Holder <>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 23:49:35

> hello all,
>               thanks for the replies , it looks as though the external
> intercom is the way to go for the microair ,
> - or even the xcom 760 radio - it`s internal intercom is more conventional ,
>            steve  # 573

I think the problem with an internal intercom within a radio us that there
is just one mike circuit. So to have two mikes working they have to be wired
in parallel on the same circuit. This leads to the well known problem of DCs
not being compatible with anything else if connected in parallel. (Reason -
low impedance mike but I won't bore you with details).

So these internal to radio intercoms are OK if there is only one
mike/headset. Otherwise a separate intercom is required. Certainly my KX125
has an intercom internally but I am not using it as I want voice activated
for me and P2 and independent circuits.

Boring old fart electrical ignoramus

(It is one of those evenings !)

Richard F.W. Holder                      01279 842804 (POTS)
Bell House, Bell Lane,                   01279 842942 (fax)
Widford, Ware, Herts,                    07860 367423 (mobile)
SG12 8SH                                 email :
Europa Classic Tri-gear : G-OWWW, High Cross
PA-28-181 : Piper Archer : G-JANA, EGSG (Stapleford)

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