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Europa-List: Europa US office & Oshkosh

Subject: Europa-List: Europa US office & Oshkosh
From: John & Paddy Wigney <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 14:31:05

<<<<Hello all,
First thank you John for the e-mail letting us U.S. builders know what is 
going on.  I know that John has been doing an excellent job of mainaining 
support here even when he is getting none from the U.K.
By keeping the office open on the weekends at NO PAY I personally think he 
is going above and beyond and I hope people who are waiting for parts and 
planes realize that the current problems are not Johns fault.  Lets be 
helpful to him and I am sure he will help us all back.
I personally feel that the failures at Europa now (and this is MY OPINION) 
can only be laid at the feet of management.  The product is just too good to 
go away.  The tooling is done the flight testing and hundreds of flying 
planes are a testement to the design and engineering.  I hope that if the 
current management can't get its act together they will consider selling it 
to someone who can.
As to the Oskosh plans, there are some changes as Europa will not be there.  
This means no factory sponsered get togethers.  I will update the europa-usa 
website tomorrow to reflect this and keep the list of who is going current.  
Send me e-mails if there are changes in your plans.
Thanks for letting me spout.Bob Jacobsen N165BB>>>>>

Hi Bob,

First let me endorse the many comments on the outstanding job which John Hurst
has done in running the US office under difficult circumstances over the years.
He is to be congratulated for a job well done. 

Secondly, I would like to confirm that I plan to arrive in N262WF at Oshkosh on
Monday July 26th and will put my plane in the Europa reserved area. I will be
flying in from Columbus, Ohio, where I will be stopping off to visit 

Are there any special details we need to know about the reserved area ?

Cheers, John

N262WF, mono XS, 912S
Mooresville, North Carolina

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