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Re: Europa-List: RE: US office & Oshkosh Plans

Subject: Re: Europa-List: RE: US office & Oshkosh Plans
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2004 10:59:19

Yes, very bad news.  And here I am without doors, glass or firewall forward 
stuff. I wrote Neville last week about some cradle information and he responded

the same day.  I wrote Keith about the backordered parts and he DID NOT 
respond.  Grrrrrrr!

A special thank you should go to John and crew for the wonderful support and 
dedication shown over the years.  We know that this situation was completely 
out of your control.

Doesn't look good right now but I truly think someone will take the company 
over.  The plane is just too good of a product and much too popular to let die.

 This may slow our building down a bit but I'm positive end the end we will 
all have completed airplanes. 

 Perhaps in the interim that the Europa club can establish direct links to 
the suppliers to the company in order to help us complete our projects. 
Naturally this means that you will of had to buy the parts twice, but depending
what the item is that may not be that big of a deal.

Brian S
A276 Tri Gear. Texas

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