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Re: Europa-List: Engine choices

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Engine choices
From: nigel charles <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 08:05:15

Hi Bob

Excuse my ignorance. I assumed that the reason that the 0-200 had been
removed was that it was not a success rather than politics. I still feel
that 212lb is still rather heavy. I estimate that this is a weight penalty
of about 40-50lb over the Rotax. In my case the numbers stack up as follows:

Empty weight (Rotax engine) 850lb
Fuel 120lb
Pilot & Pax 330lb
Baggage 70lb

MTOW 1370lb

If I was to use an 0-200 my baggage limit would become 20-30lb. This is not
very practical when touring. Also I doubt whether the 0-200 will be quite as
fuel efficient which would reduce range. Those of us that pay nearly $7/US
gall would not be impressed by the increased costs either.


Nigel Charles

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