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Re: Europa-List: Monowheel guard needed?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Monowheel guard needed?
From: Fergus Kyle <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 15:44:50

| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Ronald J. Parigoris" <>
|| Subject: Europa-List: Monowheel guard needed?|
| > Getting close to installing Cockpit Module. Installed the debris guard
| protect the fuel selector valve as per the manual.| >
| > Has anyone done anything to prevent stuff from coming through the slots
| for levers?| > Or other guards?| > Ron Parigoris > A-265
        I found some white plastic roll which is about 3 inches wide and
1/16inch thick by (I bought) 3 feet. I am planning on affixing it to the
bottom of the tunnel roof on both sides, overlapping by about 1/4inch. I
expect the levers to part it locally and for it to seek its place back again
        I could send the source on your request.
Ferg A064

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