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Re: Europa-List: Subcontractor lists?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Subcontractor lists?
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 06:21:59

In einer eMail vom 04.08.2004 22:47:28 Westeurop=E4ische Sommerzeit schreibt

>Does anyone have a complete firewall back inventory  list?  I am looking for
>something with all the kit parts kits on  one list , hopefully in MS Excel

Dean - sure, you do! It's on the  CD-ROM I sent to you in your
new-member pack on 30th April 2004. Look in  the folder called
"part-page xref" and open the file "parts.xls". The info  is also
included as dBase files (.dbf) and (of course) several linked 
FileMaker files (.fp5)



|  Rowland Carson   Europa Club Membership Secretary - email for  info!
| Europa 435 G-ROWI (710 hours building)  PFA #16532
| e-mail  <> website  <>

Dear  Roland,

Please can you send me this CD-ROM too ?
Many thanks in advance.

Bruno Reith
Repkering 36
58791 Werdohl

Europa Aircraft dealer Germany, Austria and german part of  Switzerland
_uvtreith@aol.com_ (
_www.europa-aircraft.de_ (

We definately will continue our business for Europa Aircraft and our  support
to our Europa builders and we stay behind Neville and  Andy.

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