Thanks for your explanation. I recently decided I will go with clear
windows because the tinted ones will mess up the color balance
of photos.
At OSH I spoke with the US manufacturer of the windows and he
said that he can not at this point sell us windows. If Europa does not
survive he will then be able to sell us windows. He was not able to
give me a price.
John, A230
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Housman" <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: plexiglas/perspex
> Acrylic plastic transmits about 92% of the visible light and polycarbonate
> transmits about 89% (and most glasses are in the same range) so whichever
> material is in the windscreen (and it is very likely one of these
> the "clear" plastic will reduce the amount of light by a significant
> The human eye is a rather accommodating organ and with a little help from
> the brain fools us into thinking that clear glass is not reducing the
> of light passing through it, and in bright daylight we really can not tell
> the difference. Not so at night. Most (all?) of us would not even
> flying at night while wearing sunglasses so why would we want tinted
> where transmission is dramatically less than for the clear product?
> Consider also whether you require corrective lenses (spectacles or
> because now the starting point with clear plastic is with about 80% to 85%
> transmission (best case: 0.92 times 0.92 = 0.85). It could be even
worse -
> photochromic ophthalmic lenses (the kind that get darker in daylight)
> transmit only a maximum of about 85% (hmmm, here the best case is 0.92
> 0.85 = 0.78). Wow, it looks like those of us that do not have perfect
> vision really should be sucking on oxygen at night.
> For those folks that have not yet seen the tinted stuff from Europa, be
> aware that it is nothing like the tinted glass used in automotive windows.
> It's dark, REALLY DARK, so I swapped the tinted for clear. For me that
> a "no-brainer" decision.
> Best regards,
> Rob Housman
> Europa XS Tri-Gear A070
> Airframe complete
> Irvine, CA
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Fred R. Klein
> To:
> Subject: Europa-List: plexiglas/perspex
> Hi All,
> I'm missing my windshield and windows, and now that I have some time
> the issue can be dealt with, I'm looking for some advice and counsel as to
> whether to go clear, bronze, or grey tint.
> Uncertainty was in fact the reason I procrastinated on my order.
> Though the bronze is certainly attractive, I'm concerned with regard to
> desireability for night flying.
> Looking around my local airport ramp, I find only clear windshields plus
> occasional light blue/green tint in Bonanzas.
> Any thoughts?
> Fred
> A194