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Re: Europa-List: Epibond 420 / Araldite 420/ Redux?

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Epibond 420 / Araldite 420/ Redux?
From: Rocketman <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:07:34 wrote:

>Can anyone tell me if there is any difference in Epibond 420 and Araldite 
>420?  My kit was shipped with both of these adhesives in place of the Redux. <

>I'm Guessing>
>Looking at the information on the Huntsman information < 
>> The Epibond and 
>Aradite are in the same category of adhesives but it mentions the colors are 
>different.  Blue Green / Dark Green...  Hum.
>Also I noted that my exparation dates are diffrent on the two product. One is

>12 months.  The other is good for 24 months...
>The Aradite's hardener comes in a glass 16 oz soda bottle.  The Epibond are 
>potted in tins. 
> Help!
>This cowboy is confused!


It is my understanding that the two are interchangable (mixed with their 
respective hardeners, that is).

Jeff A055

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