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RE: Europa-List: 912UL oil consumption

Subject: RE: Europa-List: 912UL oil consumption
From: Alan Stewart <>
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 19:41:07

My 912UL engine has done 680 hours in about eight years. I'm using Shell
Advance VSX-4 (synthetic based oil) as recommended, since my unleaded
mogas is occasionally supplemented with 100LL. I suppose the Rotax runs
at an average of 5100-5200RPM in cruise, measured on Skydrives Flydat. 

I burn oil, and always have, perhaps a bit more than in the early days. 
Useage is within the limits as described in the user manual. I probably
top up every eight weeks or so.

Having said that, I have suffered from the odd leak from places like oil
filter seal and from under the four covers of the cylinder heads, which
has made estimating more difficult.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David
Subject: Europa-List: 912UL oil consumption


My engine has done just over 260 hours, and is now 40 hours into its
first 50 hr cycle on the recommended Shell oil.

It has used no oil in those 40 hours - running at 5000 rpm on its CSC
controller for the Arplast prop.


G-BZAM - now away for 10 days sailing


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