Richard, The battery is an Odyssey from Hawker Energy, which I think are
available quite widely, although mine came from Groves in Cheltenham (tel
01242 514940). Moving 13 lbs 50 ins would shift my CoG about 0.76 ins. I
reckon 59 ins is a pretty good CoG posn to aim for as it allows you to fly
with either 120 pax + full fuel +80lbs luggage ( CoG posn 62.48") or
alternatively with 400lbs pax and no fuel or luggage (CoG posn 58.01") It
has to be said that in the latter state you don't fly very far! Minor
adjustment of CoG posn can be made by bolting a pound or two of lead to the
front face of the stern post, with 1lb = 0.168" for my APS wt of 839lbs
Regards, David G-XSDJ
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Iddon <>
Subject: RE: Europa-List: Battery Compartment in Rear
> David,
> Where did you get your battery from?
> Regards.
> Richard.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of David Joyce
> To:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: Battery Compartment in Rear
> <>
> Bob, A small Gas recombinant battery (17amphrs) fits beautifully against
> the
> firewall above pax feet with minimal construction needed to restrain
> adequately. I fitted mine there, prepared to relocate to underside of
> baggage bay if C of G eventually required it, but pleased to say it
> didn't,
> in spite of 914 & Kremen wobbly prop hanging on front end. Regards,
> David,
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