Having checked with my accountant, the SP on VAT in the UK is:-
1. If purchased privately with out access to a UK VAT registration number, the
supplier must invoice the VAT at the rate pertaining in his country.
2. If purchased by a VAT registered UK company their VAT rate will apply.
So! If you own a UK VAT registered company, let it buy the prop for you, then
it off your company at the UK (17.5%) VAT rate. Otherwise, Kremen have no choice
but to invoice you at their domestic VAT rate (19%). The difference is only
=A330.00, so you may not worry about it.
Thus your SR2000 variable pitch prop. plus the MCS constant speed controller
will cost 2660 Euros plus 505.4 Euros. Totalling 3165.54 Euros.
In English =A32000 (rounded). I do not know if VAT is charged on exports to none
European countries.
I will just dunk my head in cold water now, and have a stiff gin.
Best regards! Bryan