I have a question which begs an answer, but am hesitant to enquire
of Neville or Andy because of their presumed need to get on with their
careers. i know they would be anxious and keen to provide support (and would
not hesitate if it were crucial) but feel my fellow builders can provide the
facts in this case.
This is directed to Classic builders in the fin area.
I have built in Graham Singleton's rudderpost and find it a
superb fit and good structural support. I am about to attach the fin to the
fuselage (top) per the chapter 28 instructions. These infer that I should
coat the bottom of the fin (the foam structure between lighting holes) with
2 layers of BiD. Do I have this correct? Also, I believe it states that if
this latter surface is more than 3mm above the fuselage top molding then
spacers of 3mm plywood require to be inserted (I suppose to provide a more
secure gluing surface twixt top and fin). In my case, the spacing appears to
be about 2mm, and wondering if I should make up some of that............
My question is:
Provided I have the above correctly, did you need to include 3mm ply filling
twixt the two? If not, did you need an inordinate amount of 420 to secure a
good bonding surface for the fin?
Your considered reply would be most appreciated............
Cheers, Ferg A064