> The current price list for Lyndhurst shows the 8 Ahr battery at 70 GBP
> VAT and the 16 Ahr at 80 plus VAT.
The prices I was quoting were plus VAT too. They were sold by a Hawker
French dealer.
> The Yuasa battery NP17-12 I have is described as "designed for float or
> stand-by use" and it was only 35 GBP plus VAT. And it has worked well,
> when caned (see below) !
> Unfortunately time has moved on.
> My starting problem is the sprag clutch. My 912S has done only 100 hours.
> Admittedly all last winter it wouldn't start (due I think to crude in the
> starting jet). So that caned it a bit - although it always started
> eventually, after 10 or 15 minutes !
> After finding (some) crud and cleaning it out it started OK for three
> months, but in the last month it has got worse. Tuesday and Thursday this
> week there was another 10 minute grind but it started. Wed it started
> turn of the key !
> Yesterday it wouldn't start. No crud in the starting jet but I suspect
> may be some elsewhere. Tried jumping from the car. The prop is just not
> turning continuously, it kicks back, and clicks quite a bit.
Looks like the classic Rotax cold starting difficulties. Have you
implemented the current SBs, SLs and SIs ? Rotax now sells an improved and
more powerful starter motor too.
Now something occurs to me : have you made sure you fully recharge your
battery every time you flog it ? The rotax alternator and regulator are very
puny and if you've got a lot of goodies on your panel, chances are your
battery COULD experience less than optimal in-flight recharging.
> Which basically p*sses me off as I had a misfire for 9 months which I have
> now fixed. (20 hours without a peep) I was looking forward to a few months
> without removing the cowling.
> So I am now open to suggestions, either in terms of the best way of fixing
> it (and I hope, avoiding it happening again), or if anyone is interested
> taking on a slightly flawed low hours Europa. OK - I mean very flawed low
> hours Europa.
Do you mean you would consider selling your aeroplane ?
Gilles Thesee
Grenoble, France