From: Land Shorter <landshorter2@YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Europa-List: New product announcement: affordable VG's
Hey folks, I double checked and Matt Dralle's earlier post says it's OK to post
about new
aviation products as long as the message doesn't come off as having a "flavor"of
"traditional spam". Don't worry I'm not going to try to sell you anythingthat
supposedly makes any of your body parts larger (or smaller) and this productis
directly aviation related :) I'm just an airplane builder, owner, pilot,and
aviation nut who wants to tell you where you can find more information abouta
great new product.
I've been selling kits of vortex generators (VG's) for only $95 and my
customers are telling me they really like the performance gains they're seeing.
VG's are great for reducing stall speeds and allow you to land slower, shorter,
and safer. I invite you to check out my site at and see
what you think. My VG's can be quickly installed for testing using removable
double-stick tape and come with a 100% money-back guarantee so why not try them
out on your plane? You'll be really glad you did :)Thanks and let's keep 'em
Joa Harrison The VG Guy
Hi Joa,
I understand your enthusiasm in trying to sell your product by circulating to
the Matronics lists but are you aware that the Europa wing is designed for
cruise speed laminar flow ? My understanding of VG's and laminar flow wings is
that they are incompatible. I think it would be wise for you first to conduct
an evaluation trial on a Europa and then, if it is succesful over the whole
envelope, owners might be interested to see your results. Alternatively,
if you can obtain an endorsement from the wing designer, Don Dykins BSc, CEng,
FRAeS, I am sure that you would get a lot of interest from the Europa community.
In the meantime, I suggest that Europa owners are very cautious before they
changing the aerodynamics of a very sophisticated and carefully designed
which I understand was fully flight tested and complies with the JAR 23
regulations. VG's could bite you with the law of unintended consequences.
Cheers, John