I have been reading ahead in the section I am working on, the rudder pedal
installation. So, there is a reference to pop rivets pulling through it is:
With an AN3-ZOA bolt tbroughthe holes in the floor panels attach an MS21
047-3&chor nut, finger
tight, and hold it against the glastibre underside. Drill through the
anchor nut's lugs with a 3.3mm
(l/S") drill and install them with TLPD419BS pop rivets. The rivets will
pull through the wood and
hold onto the glassfibre skin.
The diagram also shows the pops going up through the anchor nut and pulling
down on the underside of the deck. Now OK, I have 2 plies of BID on the
underside of my floors, but am I right in taking this instruction
literally? Why don't I flox up a puddle of flox in a hole repression where
my rivets will take up and then use countersink rivets into this hardened
flox, ensuring I would think a more solid fit. To pull through wood and
then pull up on 2 plies of BID doesn't seem the best way. Advice on this
Tony Renshaw
Sydney Australia
Classic 236 B.B. Taildragger
Tail, Wings, Ailerons, Flaps Complete and Connected
Lower Fuse in Jig, and module most recently installed.
Tail Torque Tube installed.
Mass Balance assembly installed and deflections sorted
Roof Panel between doors completed.
Photos at:
Intended Engine: 912S CS prop (model undecided)
Instrumentation: Garmin 296 Colour GPS beneath an electronic Artificial
Horizon, one that I can trust for short periods IMC, to get out of a sticky