Sorry to use the Europa list guys, but I do not know who is doing what yet.
It seems that Duncan, Richard, and I will be setting out on Friday, weather
Meanwhile Paddy advises me that he and others are bound for the rally at
in Germany on Friday. He invites us to join them.
It does not seem like a bad idea. I can get William to join us there.
Clearly Richard Iddon and I would need to refuel and flight plan at Lashenden,
which could make a meet point.This could be a better three day trip than Le Man,
Which I am told does not have much going for it. To St-Vreden is a three and
a half hour trip from Bath without the tail wind.
I have no charts for Germany, so I would have to ask someone to photocopy the
sections for me. The airfield plates are on the web site listed on Paddy's
My mobile is 07957818787 Cheers Bryan