>Now that many builders are into the flying stage I was wondering about the
results of people's decision on the brand of battery for their aircraft? Not
position, but whether the battery has performed as expected. Any let downs
"next time I'll get XYZ battery"?<
I think that most of us who have elected to use an RG battery have been very
pleased with our purchases. Whether any one make is better than any other
only time will tell. After the discussion about starting performance I would
not consider anything other than an RG battery.
As well as the particular product it is very important that the battery is
given the proper care. It seems that RG batteries prefer a different type of
charger so that their charging is not a continual trickle charge (see Jim
Weir's series of articles in recent issues of Kitplanes). This of course is
only relevant if the aircraft is not flown for a month or two. Also as these
batteries are very expensive an external battery for cold starts will
improve their lifespan.
Nigel Charles