Here is another to try for inserting and removing pip pins in Elevator and
rear wing attachement -
Take a short length of steel or aluminium 1/2 inch tube which you will have
as a leftover.
Take some strong wire that will go through the hole in the top of the pip
pin and bend a handle on one end and a right - angle bend at the other and
cut it to a length that will be able to just comfortably through the tube.
Put wire through tube and into top of pip pin and you can pull on with and
push on tube to insert and just pull on wire to extract.
J R (Bob) Gowing, UK Kit 327 in Oz (or Australia)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred R. Klein" <>
Subject: Re: Europa-List: pip-pin - tailplane
> David,
> I am a bit confused at what you describe...any chance that you could post
> picture of the pin and the "inserter/extractor"?
> Fred
> A194
> on 9/17/04 1:52 AM, David Joyce at wrote:
> >
> > An alternative arrangement (not my invention - saw it on someone else's
> > plane and use it on mine) is to have a small steel cross bar in the hole
> > the pip pin that the ring comes in - made from a piece of the small rat
> > tailed ( or really mouse tailed) files you can buy sets of very cheaply.
> > can then insert or extract the pip pins from both tail plane and wing
> > with a tool made of hollowed steel with two spiralling grooves cut at
> > end so you 'screw it on ' to the pip pin end. You can then manage with
> > surface openings which are about 12mm wide.
> David Joyce G-XSDJ