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Re: Europa-List: Scuff sanding

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Scuff sanding
From: Duncan McFadyean <>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 22:19:55

I find that a fine grit of abrasive (eg 120) works reasonably well, due
mostly to having thinner backing paper that reaches better into the weave
pattern. But I expect you've tried this already.

Duncan McF.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred R. Klein" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Scuff sanding

> Hi All,
> On the subject of "scuff sanding"...particularly in relation to
> for the 2" wide reinforcement tapes between the wing spar and skins...I've
> read thru the manual as well as the matronics search without finding any
> info which seemed relevant.
> My concern is my uncertainty as to what constitutes adequate "scuff
> in order to achieve required bonding.
> As I sand the areas of the skins where the 2" reinf. tapes go, I note that
> because of the weave of the glass on the skins, a pattern developes with
> high areas becoming whitish matte and the low areas remaining darker and
> somewhat glossy; my fear is that if I continue sanding so that the area
> becomes 100% "whitish matte", I will remove too much material and degrade
> the strength value of the existing glass skins.
> I'd be grateful to learn whether or not a consensus has been reached on
> issue as well as any individual comments from "those who have gone before"
> me.
> Fred
> A194

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