> I am disappointed with the design of the cooling duct on the XS. IMHO (in
> other words my guess) the duct takes in about twice as much air as it
> but doesn't duct it smoothly, neither is it properly sealed to keep CO etc
> where it belongs. Not all the air coming in goes for cooling.
> Look at the duct on a BanBi they don't overheat AFAIK. Inlet area is much
> smaller, so is outlet.
> The duct has to smoothly recover the pressure of the entering air, push it
> through the radiators, and nowhere else, except the cabin for heating.
> accelerate it back to flying speed or better still, greater than flying
> speed. I wish someone would refine the design a little. It would make the
> airplane look even prettier. We should not be too hard on Ivan, he was
> under pressure to generate some cash at the time. Quite a few folks jobs
> depended on him not making too many bum decisions. Pity it was all wasted
> when he was moved aside. (my view from some distance)
> Graham
> Graham
John Scott at Cambridge shares your opinion and did say that he was
working on the design of an XS cowling to incorporate a smaller air inlet
specifically designed to optimise the thrust from the propeller.