> Another cry for help..............
> In attempting to attach the doors, I read that the #10
> hardware which holds the hinges requires that the upper
> surface to the 'tang' which holds the hinge be inset for
> enough depth to contain the MS21042 nut. This nut is 1/4inch
> thick, but the rear tang is only 5/16inch thick. Therefore
> the remaining tang would be too thin and flimsy to withstain
> door forces. (the front tang is thicker but still questionable).
> Am I the exception or has this been hashed over
> before [couldn't find a suitable topic in the archives]?
> What has been your experience?
> Cheers,
> Ferg A064
You are right to be concerned. The nut on the rear hinge of the starboard
door pulled through the tang on N135TD a few months ago, at about 3
years/350 hours. I had recently given about 10 rides in very windy
conditions, so that may have finished it off. We had to keep on flying, so
we just flattened out the top surface to take a large (AN970) washer, and
let the nut protrude out the top. Not very pretty, but it's nice and solid,
and there are plenty of other things higher on our list than hiding the nut
at this point.
Dave DeFord
N135TD (flying)