OK, you'd expect me to recommend the Jabiru......However, I want to set the
record straight on one or two misconceptions:
1. "Direct drive engines are inferior to gear-driven types". Accepting the
basic premise that a bigger propeller turning slower has greater static
thrust than a fast-turning small prop, for the Europa there is really no
disadvantage from a direct drive engine, from a propeller efficiency
viewpoint. I admit that for me, propeller science and design is best left to
the experts, and we have had a very good working relationship with Sensenich
wood propellers here in Florida, for a few years. Sensenich now supply a
large volume of props to Jabiru owners, for all speed ranges and aircraft
types and they have built - up very valuable experience and designed blade
shapes that really do work excellently with Jabirus. It's an unfortunate
fact that the Jabiru engine often gets rubbished because people put their
Rotax ground adjustable prop on it, change the pitch to get the right static
RPM and then complain that it isn't right (and therefore it must be the
engine). I am very clear to all my customers that propeller choice is very
important, and we now have a load of experience in what to recommend, and
use it to maximum effect.
2. Gilles said that "Jabiru doesn't approve constant speed props". True, but
then they don't specifically "approve" anyone's props other than their own!
Jabiru make propellers for their own aircraft and, again in my experience
it's rare to get great results with a Jabiru prop on another aircraft type,
which is why we work with Sensenich, and occasionally others. I have been
using an Airmaster AP332 CS propeller on our Jabiru J400 demonstrator for
about 2 years, and can report good results, so I need to dispel any myths
that the Airmaster isn't suitable for the Jabiru - it works just fine (no
pun intended).
I accept that there are many more Rotax engines powering Europas than
Jabirus, but the fact that there are fewer Jabirus doesn't mean they are not
a good choice! People tend to go with 'what works' and Europa Management in
UK made no secret of their desire to stay with Rotax for (among others)
commercial reasons. Rotax will give their dealers a bigger margin than we
can; it's a decision we took to keep retail prices competitive. Despite all
this, within the last year / 18 months I have been approached by individual
Europa builders as well as John Hurst, Flightcrafters and Keith Wilson (no
less) to develop our own installation package for the Jabiru 3300 and we're
almost there with it. I won't pre-sell our new cowling until I'm happy with
performance, but very soon we will have this information. I should also make
it clear that Jabiru have offered a Europa Installation package for a few
years and it looks good and performs well. Our own package will differ in
the cowling shape, spinner and modified ram-air cooling ducts only; we have
a different shape to the Jabiru cowl but there's nothing wrong with the
Jabiru offering - many are using it and happy with the results and look. I
know Individual builders like yourself are questioning the relative monopoly
of Rotax, the engine's complexity by comparison and other performance
factors. I remain confident that we will see many more individuals using
Jabiru engines in Europas, mainly because of our growing reputation for
honest service and a reliable no-nonsense product which is easy to operate
and maintain. The Jabiru's 2000-hour TBO at a current overhaul cost of
around $6,000 parts and labor is hard to beat.
I'll be happy to answer more questions.
Andy Silvester
Suncoast Sportplanes, Inc.