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Re: Europa-List: Overvoltage problems - crowbar unit does its job

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Overvoltage problems - crowbar unit does its job
From: Cliff Shaw <>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 14:30:32


Your thinking is right/wrong.  There are too many variables to make this an 
easy black/white question.

Yes    You are right in thinking that 24 (28 really) volts has a wider 
margin compared to a 12 volt system -- IF !!!!   The 24 volt system is 
really a 12 volt system with voltage regulators changing the 24 to 12 volts 
inside the radio  of what ever. That is the usual way they are made.  In 
fact the inside circuitry is often much lower that 12 volts ( maybe 3 
volts ) . This said, the regulator is now of concern. There are several 
kinds of these circuits. Most just "waste" away the excess power ( big 
heatsinks ) that comes from the 24 volt input. ( not much savings in 
amperage usage there)  Others can really convert the 24 to a lower voltage, 
but they are much moor expensive and a source of electrical interference 
that must be dealt with. (no free lunch).

On top of that, Our ROTAX will not support a 24 volt charging system.  It is 
possible to build this kind of system, but it would be very complicated.  I 
would love to do it but the KISS principal is much stronger in me now, after 
building two Europas and flying mine over 100 hours.

I suggest that you use the Europa Factory electrical diagram and be happy 
and safe. It works very well !!!!

Cliff Shaw
1041 Euclid ave.
Edmonds, WA 98020
425 776 5555

> Am I on the right path in my thinking? What am I missing?
> Mike Duane A207

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