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Re: Europa-List: ELT use in UK

Subject: Re: Europa-List: ELT use in UK
From: Gerry Holland <>
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:21:05

Nigel Hi!

> I think you are right. However you are still allowed to carry a handheld
> ELT which is what I do across the water. At least with the handheld if
> your aircraft should sink after a ditching you still have your location
> aid. Be under no illusion it can be very difficult for the rescue
> services to see you if there is only your head sticking out the water.
> Your biggest risk with a ditching is not surviving the water landing it
> is hypothermia afterwards therefore a location aid is essential. When I
> did search training in C130's it is possible to miss seeing a 26 man
> liferaft if the sea conditions are anything but calm.

Thanks for the information. I'll go with portable ELT especially as they now
seem capable with GPS enablement and Tx/Rx capabilities.

The insight into Search visibility is taken on board.



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