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Re: Europa-List: Windshield thickness

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Windshield thickness
From: Fred Fillinger <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:32:36

Fred R. Klein wrote:
> I've learned that
> for an extra US$250.00, windshields of .250" acrylic are available
> with an edge milled to conform to the rebate in the fuselage
> I'm wondering whether to pop for the extra bucks. (?)
> ...
> Has anyone had any experience w/ birdstrikes and .125" acrylic?

Having installed the .250" inch stuff on an AA-5, I can assure you it
has little flexibility if a compound curve, so it better be molded
perfectly in order to fit.

I know also that birds have pierced this stuff too, so I went to the
NTSB database to see what's there, and the first report was better
yet.  A bird pierced the fiberglass wing root fairing of an AA-5 at
about 130mph, AND severed the fuel line inside there.  This fiberglass
is thicker than anywhere on the Europa, and the fuel line is 1/2"
aluminum pipe!

Fred F.

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