Hi Steve and All,
Get the nosewheel off the ground, aim the wheel in the straight ahead
Get 36'' of string / cord, tie the ends together, to make a loop, and hook it
over the axle bolt.
Pass the other end of the loop behind the tyre [ U.S. guys, note the correct
spelling !} at the 3 / 9 o' clock position, and have the string leaving the
tyre at 90 degrees to the aircraft centreline.
Hook a fishing scale [ or similar] onto the string loop, and pull with the
scale, at 90 degrees to aircraft centreline until the friction damper
''breaks''. Adjust the nut on the spindle until the breakout force of about 18
Lb is
reached. Each time you pull it, make sure you return the wheel to straight
and are pulling at 90.
If the split pin [ cotter in US] hole doesn't line up with a castle , back
off the nut a touch, so it does, [ don't let the breakout force get below 16
Lb, or you may get shimmy, don't let it go above 20Lb, or you will have a job
turning at low speed] If needed [ rarely] put a shim washer under the nut to aid
pin alignment]
Keep grease off the plastic disc. Easy job.
Keep at it guys!