You write:
>I place the two Rotax CHT sensors under the Rotax ones, so the Rotax
>were essentially functioning as bolts.
Could you please elaborate a little more on this?
I, too, have the fuel flow sensor (Floscan), so I may have to bother you
with that issue a little later - there are so many things to sort out as
one progresses that I have to attack them one at a time! The engine is
bolted on, but I am still working on the cowlings. Using Southco quarter
turn fasteners and Europa's flange mod as per E. News Issue 28 (Dec. 2000) -
really good mod, cannot understand why they did not include it in their
firewall forward instructions - I trust Europa (2004) will when they have
time for that issue (let me add that it is impressive and highly commendable
how they are able to serve us also with technical advice when asked - let no
one doubt that they do all they can for us while trying to make a living for