Hva' snakker han om?
Hva' er "turbo surge"...??
NB Talte med Jens den anden dag - en eller anden klovn havde budt ham
90.000 for alle hans flydele med tilbehr - tror nok deres "chat"
stoppede umiddelbart efter det bud.......
Den 4/12-2004, kl. 5.25, skrev Graham Higgins:
> <ghiggins@norex.com.au>
> Dear Forum,
> Has anyone out there experienced the "turbo surge on startup" that
> Rotax
> say can occur, and for which they specify a kill switch within reach?
> The reason for the question is as follows:-
> On 14 Nov 04 I aborted a takeoff , as the engine did something I have
> never
> before experienced, in 100 hrs. At only half throttle, on T/O run, I
> suddenly felt full power, and was airborne very quickly. Airmaster
> prop was
> on fine, and I did not note MP. A few seconds later the power dropped
> back
> again, I suspect to the throttle setting. At no time did the engine
> misfire,
> and all checks had been normal. I elected to land straight ahead, and
> it all
> would have been a non-event, except for the cane-drain that I had
> forgotten
> about. These drains criss-cross the sugarcane fields here, about 2-3 m
> wide,
> 1-2 m deep. One of these crossed the runoff area at the end of the
> runway. I
> over-ran the runway, wet grass, so braking and groundloop not very
> effective, hitting the drain at I guess 15-20 Kts. The nose of the A/C
> impacted the far bank, then slid upwards about 60-70 cm, ie low speed,
> but
> significant decelleration.
> My injuries included a compression fracture of the first lumbar
> vertebra,
> unstable, and one fragment was displaced rearward 5 mm, compressing the
> thecal sac. Some very clever surgery involved removal of the body of
> the L1
> vertebra, along with the discs above and below, and replacing them
> with a
> titanium cage, which contained the bone graft, which will hopefully
> fuse
> three vertebrae into one.It was pure good fortune that the injury did
> not
> result in paraplegia, and hopefully I can expect full recovery. I was
> wearing the standard 4 point harness, and suffered no other significant
> injuries . I am aware this was the subject of discussion earlier -
> whether
> the harness as designed promotes compression fractures. That is another
> topic.
> Back from hospital 2 days, so have not inspected the A/C yet, but can
> say
> the prop has one blade broken off near the hub, the windscreen is
> split, so
> I suspect some damage in the firewall area.
> In musing over what happened, I suspect that I experienced turbo
> surge, and
> that the "faltering" was simply the end of the surge. If that were the
> case,
> I would probably have been OK to kill the turbo, and continue the T/O
> without it. There would have been plenty of power.
> Has anyone experienced anything similar? ( the engine behavior, I
> mean. I do
> not wish the back experience on anyone!)
> Graham Higgins, in Oz