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Europa-List: Re: Intercooler for 914

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Intercooler for 914
From: rlborger <>
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 09:15:04


 > Sometime ago there was a request for info/availability of the 
intercooler kit for
 > the Rotax 914.  Didn't hear the outcome.  I contacted Europa 2004 and 
was told
 > the John Hurst developed it out of the Lakeland office.  Does anyone 
 > one installed and running on a 914(does it work?) and if so is it 
still manufactured?

I purchased the intercooler package from John when Europa USA still 
existed.  I'm sure that you'll need to talk to John to see if he can 
still arrange for additional units to be manufactured.  I am not at the 
point where I have begun work on firewall-forward so I don't have it 
installed yet or working.  John had one installed on their 914 powered 
demo and claimed he could use full power in climb and cruise to an 
altitude higher than he wanted to climb to.  Said that he could cruise 
at 12,500 at a TAS approaching 200 mph.  Needless to say, I am looking 
forward to getting back to work on my ship so I can enjoy the improved 
climb and high-altitude performance.  If you are interested, I have 
some pics of the intercooler package on my build site.

The last time I spoke with him, John was working for Gulf Coast 
Avionics ( ).  You can give him a call there 

Good building and great flying,
Bob Borger
Europa Kit #A221 N914XL, XS Mono, 914, Airmaster C/S
(75%)  Work on hold while I accumulate $$ to purchase the plexi, prop 
and other parts that I'll never get from EMIL or E(04).  Meanwhile, 
working on Instrument, Commercial, CFI & CFII ratings for potential 
career change.
3705 Lynchburg Dr.
Corinth, TX  76208
Home:  940-497-2123
Cel:  817-992-1117

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