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RE: Europa-List: Europa Pictures "Buried Links don't work" About:Blank

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Europa Pictures "Buried Links don't work" About:Blank
From: Tony Krzyzewski <>
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 13:22:17

The link sreads across two lines so only the first half is being picked
up as a link.

Your technique of cutting and pasting is the correct answer.


Tony S Krzyzewski      Managing Director
Ph +64 9 274 1590      Kaon Technologies Ltd
Fx +64 9 274 1593      PO Box 58521
Cell 021 921 988       Greenmount       Auckland NZ
Check out the new Fluke Etherscope handheld network monitor and test
unit at 
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Tony
Subject: Europa-List: Europa Pictures "Buried Links don't work"

--> <>

I am wondering please if some computer fellow knows why when I click on
Ira's embedded e-mail link to his web pictures it opens Internet
Explorer Version 6.0 with a page address of About:Blank.
When I open a browser normally it opens to my home page address, so that
is OK. So, any ideas will be greatly appreciated. The only way I can
solve the problem is to cut and paste the link into Explorer Address,
which sort of defeats the purpose of a buried link somewhat.
Tony Renshaw

At 06:46 AM 12/8/2004, you wrote:
>I put a micro album up on Steve's site illustrating my attachment which

>provide an FAA suggested angle.  This is a design I derived from Bob 
>Berube at FlightCrafters
>Ira N224xs flying

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