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Re: Europa-List: Calculating Maintenance Time

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Calculating Maintenance Time
From: N55XS <>
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2004 16:37:14

Fred Fillinger wrote:

>Steve Crimm wrote:
>>Evening All,
>>I would be interested in hearing how everyone calculates maintenance
>>time?  In my previous life flying helicopters we had two Hobbs
>>One for maintenance based on actual flight time.  The other was for
>>running time that we used for customer billing purposes.
>>With my Grand Rapids EIS is appears to gather time based on oil
>>pressure, so how does everyone else do it?
>I have a Taskem digital tach, which records time if the prop if
>spinning.  U.S. rules for amateur-built A/C are fuzzy (an endless
>logical loop) as to whether "time in service" needs to be recorded in
>maintenance logs at all, but if it is, the rules do say that time in
>service begins when the wheels leave the runway and ends when they
>touch down, an example of FAA not enforcing every last rule.
>Practically, Hobbs time -- engine running -- is useful for logging
>flight time, as it more closely reflects how that time is clocked.
>And for maintenance of production aircraft, it's cheaper in ownership
>costs and thus common to use tach time, as it's proportional to RPM.
>So...anything from Post-It notes on the fridge to a strain-gauge
>switch on the gear!  Simplest is clocking when master switch is on,
>but one should have an alarm circuit in case the master were to be
>left on.  A handy item anyway, but requiring some circuit design.
>Hmm...wonder if one could kludge that around a 10-cent, CMOS quad NAND
>gate chip, including a time delay before alarm goes off?  Might even
>have two gates left over to make it flash or a pulsing chime like in
>our cars....
>Fred F.

N55XS is set up so that the Hobbs runs when the engine runs.  This is 
the benchmark I'll be using for maintenance...

Jeff - A055
Almost ready to paint the airframe...
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