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Europa-List: Trigear Tires

Subject: Europa-List: Trigear Tires
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 13:35:47
 12/21/2004 01:35:52 PM,
        Serialize complete at 12/21/2004 01:35:52 PM

I had a worn main gear tire blow this week end after about 75 h and maybe 
200 landings.
Fortunately it blew in the hangar after landing and taxiing.
The Seffner wisdom is that this is about the best one can expect with the 
supplied tires
and landing on real terra firma, eq., concrete. 

I ordered Goodyear Flight Special II 6ply 500-5 and tubes from Desser for 
over $200. total.
I will report back on the experience with these tires (although I hope it 
will take more than a year!!)
Has anyone real-life experience with the other brands?

Has anyone tried swapping the 5" wheels to 6" wheels for better turf 
performance and the ability
to get "Monster" retreads with double the tread depth of cheap tires (see )


Ira N224XS flying

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