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RE: Europa-List: LED Wingtip Lights

Subject: RE: Europa-List: LED Wingtip Lights
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 16:08:25

Graham Singleton sells very nice XS wingtip lenses at a reasonable price.  I
have them and the Creative Air Leds.
Tom Friedland

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Andrew Sarangan
Subject: Europa-List: LED Wingtip Lights

So far I know of two sources for LED lights. CreativAir and GS-Air. Web
sites are: and 
CreativAir nav lights has to be mounted on the leading edge of the wingtip,
and has the option of including a landing light. GS-Air nav lights must be
mounted at the center of the wingtip, and includes a strobe and a
rearward-looking white light, and it come in a preformed plexiglas housing. 

Are there other sources? 

Does Europa still sell the wingtip lenses? Which design would be most
compatible with the Europa XS wing? I am looking for any general advice in
this regard. 

Thanks everyone, and Happy New Year to everybody!!

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