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Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 01/04/05

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 01/04/05
From: Graham Singleton <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2005 11:20:48

>Don't know if there's any merit to such an idea but I know Mercedes and BMW
>both have programs where you visit the factory, buy your car, then they
>assist in having it transported home. I hear you can usually save enough on
>the car to pay for most of the trip. Anyone given this any thought and, if
>so, does it pan out after figuring the exchange and freight rates?

you might talk to  Ernst Keppert <> he has a contact at 
Diamond who used to do work for Rotax Austria where the engines are made. 
(Gunther Weinhart)
Don't tell him I told you !!:o)
Ernst has Trevor Jackson's lovely Classic monowheel and has given it a very 
attractive home.

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  • Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 8 Msgs - 01/04/05, Graham Singleton <=